Laser Healing Wands – Clear Quartz Laser Crystal

Laser Healing Wands – Clear Quartz Laser Crystal

(2 customer reviews)

A Crystal is a subtle energy condenser and can enhance a healer’s ability by 200 times or more.

This natural quartz laser crystal wand can absorb, store, project and focus subtle energy like a laser beam from it’s pointed end and is highly effective in healing and disintegrating negative energies.

We offer only high quality natural crystals that are optimised for energy healing.

Synthetic or Lab produced crystals are much cheaper but not effective in energy healing.

Each of our Laser crystal wands can be paired with an activator ball in natural Rose Quartz

and a natural pure silk wrap to prevent energy leakages.

All of our laser healing wands are made of natural clear quartz and may contain very mild inclusions, which is a testament to them being natural.

Please beware of completely clear laser wands as they may be synthetic or subjected to high intensity chemical treatments which may result in reduced potency.

All of our gold inserts are of 22 carat purity and may vary between 2 to 3 grams of gold depending on the size of the laser wand.To look at our collection of super powerful laser wands with 22 carat gold inclusions, please click here.

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