Meditation on The Lord’s Prayer

Meditation on The Lord’s Prayer

£29.00 Inclusive of VAT

Meditation on The Lord’s Prayer
This meditation allows one to access gateways into inner horizons and bring down divine energy or spiritual energy necessary for character building, development of the virtues and transmutation of lower grosser energies to more subtle energies.
It is a non-sectarian universal spiritual meditation guided by Master Choa Kok Sui, an internationally known author, lecturer and spiritual teacher.
The essence of the meditation is based on the correlation of the phrases of The Lord’s Prayer with the eleven major energy centres (called Chakras in Sanskrit and sephiroth’s in the Kabbalah Tree of Life) that function as entry points to certain levels of consciousness.
See Spiritual Essence of Man (The Chakras and the Inverted Tree of Life) 

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Meditation on The Lord’s Prayer
£29.00 Inclusive of VAT

Availability: 1 in stock