Creating Habits

As we’ve entered into the second month of a new year we’ll hear lots of stories about resolutions that haven’t quite worked out or lasted. It can be tough to take on a new challenge or commitment, no matter what it may be. Creating a new habit takes a great deal of commitment, and the first place to start is to ask yourself – is this what you really want? We often subconsciously make excuses for not doing things which deep down we don’t want to do, or consider high enough in our list of priorities.

The best way to create a habit, is to decide on a realistic one, and make it routine. You are capable of far more than you know, so challenge yourself and commit to your own personal growth. We often are able to do more for others than ourselves, and that’s a beautiful human trait to have – however, you deserve the same love you give to others.  You are equally as important.

Below are our tips on how to create a habit, without overturning your lifestyle or feeling overwhelmed by the commitment.

  1. Be realistic

Resolutions and routines have to be physically, mentally and emotionally feasible for you.

  1. One step at a time

Don’t push yourself to achieve everything at once, be patient with yourself. Take each step at a time, and understand that anything worth having won’t come instantly, and sometimes, not as easily as you’d like.

  1. Make it a daily exercise

If you can, commit to it daily. It’s easier to create a habit when you’re faced with it every day. By making something routine, you’re incorporating it into your life as if it belongs – which it will over time.

  1. Keep going

Some say it takes 21 days to make a habit stick, and this might be the case. Give yourself a month and review how far you’ve come.

  1. Celebrate your progress

Yes, that’s right. Give yourself a pat on the back for being awesome and sticking it out. The more you celebrate, the more you will have to celebrate!

  1. Record your progress

Write it down so you can revisit and inspire yourself to continue. There are many benefits to having written memory or log of your progress – no one lies to themselves in a diary entry and this works in a similar way, so take the opportunity to be honest with yourself and review what you have achieved.

  1. Do it with a friend – if you can

It’s often helpful to work towards a goal with another, as you can inspire some healthy competition and motivate each other on days when you might find yourself lagging behind a little. Also, it may insert some fun into the task which will help to build and reinforce the habit painlessly.

  1. Ask yourself again – is this what I want?

There is such a stigma around the world ‘failure’. It is not a failure to decide that something no longer serves you. Be honest with yourself, and review how far you’ve come and what you’ve gained physically, emotionally and mentally. Was it what you thought it would be? If so, keep going and congratulations. If not, set yourself free – your happiness is most important.

Seeking a new positive habit to improve your lifestyle? Meditation has a wealth of benefits including the reduction of stress, improvement of concentration, overall health and wellbeing, increased self-awareness and happiness. Adding meditation to your daily/weekly lifestyle will also support you in the adoption of new habits, as it works to grow your mindfulness and acceptance of your current life and being.

Master Choa Kok Sui on developing meditation as a habit:

\”If you can follow a Schedule for two weeks, you can follow it for one year. If you can follow it for one year, you can follow it for a lifetime.\”

For more information on the meditations we offer, click here.

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