The Transformative Potential of Pranic Healing With Rohit Sujanani

With years of experience and a passion for sharing this ancient healing art, Rohit Sujanani and Pranic Healing London offer comprehensive training programs and personalized healing sessions.

From overcoming personal challenges to witnessing remarkable transformations in their clients, Rohit shared with MysticMag his insights into the effectiveness of Pranic Healing and its potential to positively impact lives worldwide.

Can you elaborate on your teaching journey and your approach to instructing others in Pranic Healing? 

My teaching journey started quite unexpectedly and against my wishes to be honest, but very excitingly in Lome, Togo, in west Africa, where I was visiting and was almost forced by my co-students to stay on and complete the Teacher’s Training Course, then being facilitated by a senior trainer. I had no desire at the time to become a trainer in Pranic Healing as I was a successful businessman and deeply involved in my food and beverage manufacturing units in Nigeria but according to some of them present at the time, they “saw” that I would be a great asset and highly beneficial to the school. This was way back in 2013 and the rest, as they say is history. Over a period of time, my training to become a Pranic Healing instructor took me around the globe to Nigeria, Ghana, India, USA and finally to Switzerland and the UK and I am proud to say that I’ve trained with some of the best in the field which in turn greatly impacted my approach to instructing others in Pranic Healing and due to this, today, I’m deeply appreciated by my students as a very patient and highly approachable instructor. 

During one of my lectures in Ghana, the lecturer who is a medical doctor, kept insisting that he would do everything possible to answer the questions presented to him and he was repeatedly very encouraging of the students to ask questions which left an indelible mark on me and I now follow in his footsteps to find an answer to the questions presented to me by those who study with me. 

There appears to be a tendency from some trainers of discouraging too many questions from students and therefore, my approach of encouraging students to ask questions has helped me establish a better and long lasting rapport with them while also anchoring the teachings deeper and making it easier to understand along with creating the confidence to practice in many who are new to the field. We definitely need many more healers in the world today.

What are some specific areas where you’ve observed Pranic Healing being particularly effective? 

Pranic Healing is the world’s fastest growing complimentary healing modality and millions of people are benefitting from it daily and the world over. 

We have a high success rate in treating even the most complex ailments such as cancers, tumours, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and the like. On the Psychological front, Pranic Healing has shown great success in treating severe phobias, addictions, hysteria, hallucinations etc. but it’s not just limited to these but also extends to healing relationships and finances. To elaborate, Some years ago, I was approached by a client who was homeless and on drugs but she was keen to make a difference and needed healing on several levels, physical, Psychological, relationships, financial and spiritual. Today she is among the top ten most influential women in her community, world-wide. 

What are some of the unique aspects of Pranic Healing and what makes it stand out? 

The mark of a great teacher is evident from the simplicity of his teachings and this is what makes Pranic Healing unique in the world of energy healing. Any one with a certain level of intelligence can learn to practice the highly effective Pranic Healing techniques within a short period of time and help alleviate suffering by producing successful results. 

Our Teacher, Master Choa Kok Sui has put in a lot of hard work to simplify abstract concepts of healing and wellness into structured bite-sized protocols that one can follow easily and effectively to generate a healing response from the patient’s body and this is not just limited to healing the physical body but extends also to relationships, finances and spiritual growth.

Can you describe the process and share success stories you’ve experienced with remote healing sessions? 

Remote or distant Pranic Healing is based on the principle of interconnectedness, where we all are swimming in an ocean of life energy that is present throughout our planet and homes. 

Allow me to share my own experience here, where in 2016 due to an allergic reaction from a seemingly harmless antibiotic, I nearly lost all function in my legs to the point where the doctors were contemplating amputation of both my legs. 

They said that there was nothing they could do medically to save my legs and I must start preparing myself for a different kind of life. 

To my rescue, came remote / distant Pranic Healing where 2 senior trainers living on completely different continents and time zones, healed me daily and in about 2 weeks, I regained 80% of my strength. 

Full recovery took nearly a year but you can imagine, how grateful I am for distant Pranic Healing. 

Pranic Healing has a scientific basis. Can you elaborate on this and how it aligns with your own observations of Pranic Healing’s effectiveness?

Over 30 years ago, I graduated as a software engineer with a very logic based mindset and I could work wonders with computers and programming at the time. Logic for me meant 1 + 1 = 2 and not 11. 

As I was always inclined towards spirituality and complimentary healing, I explored some other schools before I found Pranic Healing and in some of those schools, I was almost expected to believe their doctrines without questions, which made me uncomfortable and being of a rebellious nature from early childhood, unagreeable. 

When I found Pranic Healing, this imposition of doctrines was eliminated and it was like a home-coming for me for every question had an answer, a logic and a basis to it. In Pranic Healing, the answers were not hidden in secrecy or a play of language; we didn’t do things just because some one else had done

them in that manner and instead, we were given the liberty to question and the tools to experiment and validate our results. 

As a matter of fact, one of the first things taught in a beginners Pranic Healing course is to not believe anything blindly but to question, experiment and validate intelligently. 

What is your vision for the future of Pranic Healing? Do you see it becoming more widely accepted and integrated with other forms of healthcare? 

Indeed. Energy healing is the future of integrated healthcare and Pranic Healing is well suited and well poised to lead this field. Thousands of doctors and allied healthcare professionals the world over are learning and embracing Pranic Healing. I have personally trained many medical professionals and senior consultants in Pranic Healing. 

More and more people are becoming self aware and the need for better performance on the physical, emotional, mental levels. Pranic Healing does and will continue to fulfil that need for mankind far into the future and especially for those who have grown to appreciate authentic and genuine teachings and techniques to become a better version of themselves.

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